You can find a lot on the internet about the physics and behavior of the White Swiss Shepherd, and in my opinion a lot of it is true and some of it is not. When I was searching for our next dog, after Mullet had died, I only knew what I wanted in a dog. The desired characteristics needed to be the same as Mullet’s. And I wanted a dog with an average expectancy age rather higher then lower.
But I never had met a WSS, and I can’t remember ever seen one irl before meeting Mojo’s family. So what did I know, besides what I read on the internet? Now, more then 5 years and 4 WSS later I truly can say about the breed, that the (our) dogs:
All our dogs have this in common so I think that when describing the characteristics of the breed, this is it: socialble,engaded, resilient, intelligent, passionate and happy, And this is why I fell in love with this beautiful breed❤️❤️❤️❤️
Happy Father’s Day Mojo!!! And Martijn also because of being such a good human father to your fur baby Mojo❤️ Love you both❤️
Often we say 'when it walks like a, and it 'talks' like a, it must be a.....'. So why isn't every white shepherd also a white SWISS shepherd? They look the same, their temperament might be the same, they probably have the same ancestors. So what makes a white whepherd also a white SWISS shepherd?
I have to go back to the moment the White German Shepherd was recognized as a separate breed by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale(FCI) in 2011. Because FCI member Switzerland had been keeping a separate stud book with this new breed since 1991, this European Country is considered to be the country of origin of this beautiful breed. Every breed recognised by the FCI has a 'Official authentic language' and for the White Swiss Shepherd this is French, and so the breeds official name is Berger Blanc Suisse. So don't let any one fool you by saying they have a Berger Blanc Suisse (BBS) and not a White Swiss Shepherd (WSS). They are the same only in a different language. This said it still doesn't explain how you know if you have a WSS or not. Because the FCI is the only international canine organization that recognizes the WSS as a seperate breed, a white shepherd has to be registered with (a member) of the FCI. The FCI has strickt rules when a white shepherd can be registered as a WSS, most important is that the the dog has parents registerd with the FCI as a WSS. This way the standards of the WSS are maintained. So when two WSS have pups, the owner/breeder can register the pups as a WSS with the FCI as well. Like in The Netherlands blood has to be drawn by a licensed vet of each pup individually in order to irrefutably determine through DNA testing that the pup is indeed from the specified parents. If that's the case the pup will be registered with the FCI and the owner will receive a three generations pedigree of this pup. In some countries, like in The Netherlands, it is possible to have 'look-a-likes' be approved and registered as a WSS by a FCI recognized body/judge even if the parents are not registered WSS. In the USA the WSS is not recognized as a seperate breed. However we can register the pups of FCI registered parents with the FCI Puerto Rico. Unlike in The Netherlands information from the breeder is sufficient. No proof like a DNA test. It's also possible to register both parents as a White Shepherd with the United Kennel Club (UKC), but you need registration papers of the FCI (or with other breeds the AKC). And because parents are registered, you can register the litter (and pup) also with the UKC. Conclusion: Every Berger Blanc Suisse is also a White Swiss Shepherd, but not every white shepherd is a white swiss shepherd. The dog has to be registered with the FCI, or at least both parents have to be registered with FCI as a WSS. Are white shepherds different from WSS because they are not a WSS? That depends on the individual dog and their ancestors genes, but overall I see a lot of white 'non WSS' shepherds that look like a WSS to me. If you come across a rescue or a pup for sale and you want to find out if he or she is a WSS, when they are not micro chipped, they are most certain NOT a registered WSS, because without some sort of permanent identification, you cannot register a WSS with the FCI. I hope I made a little bit sense. If you have any questions you can contact me. Remember, English is not my native language:-) Mojo’s breeder Olga & husband Henk stayed with us for 10 days. We have been keeping in contact over the years and because they wanted to see for themselves where we worked and lived, they decided to visit us.
It was really nice to see how Mojo right away connected with his first human ‘mom’. We talked about breeding and the many joys & challenges that come with it. They gave me some food for thought that might influence my breeding decisions. So stay tuned to learn more about this. And Olga gave us also a waterdryer I now use when grooming the doggies. I am very happy with it because it’s a wonderful asset and more effective then a (shepherd) brush. All and all we had a great time and I was little sad to see them go. Hopefully one day they will be back. |
AuthorCan't stop writing & talking about my beautiful White Swiss Shepherds:-))) Archives
January 2025