Five years ago (May 27 which it is now in The Netherlands) you were born. The first pup, the smallest of the litter, Mr. Black🖤.
You turned into a handsome, gentle and happy dog. Always ready for the next adventure. ‘Big brother’ of Mijne, fetch teammate for Jessie and father of Jane. But most of all you are a individual, who loves to cuddle, loves attention from us, play find and feth and go on walks. We love you Mojo, to the moon and back❤️🥰😘😍. Happy birthday to all your brothers and sisters too (Julius, Raaf, Kyra, Rami, Roan, Baily, Forest).
I love Spring however huge downside is that the ticks are everywhere. And like I do with everything I went on a search for the ‘magic’ repellent that would a) keep the ticks away and b) wasn’t to toxic for the dogs.
I ended up with Seresto collars, still toxic, but not as bad as intake. They work; not 100% but good enough. They are ugly though, and so I made for every dog a paracord collar in their color with EM caramic beads. I often make paracord collars and wrist bands, and I like making them. And this way the ugly collars are more or less concealed. |
AuthorCan't stop writing & talking about my beautiful White Swiss Shepherds:-))) Archives
January 2025