Today, finally, I got Mojos hips and elbows OFA tested. Poor baby had to be sedated and it took him almost the whole day to recover from the anesthesia. But he was a super trooper and was the best 'boy' at the vets. They all loved him:-) Now we have to wait like 2-3 weeks for the results. Keep our fingers crossed that both hips and elbows are excellent or at least good 🍀
Our sweet and beautiful Mojo
Today three years old. We so remember the day you were born May 27, 2018 it was so exiting Eight puppies, you were the first born Puppy ‘black’ and we chose you The following months were very hot Not much to do then stay cool Now not liking the heat at all That is also you Year one you were our only dog And you got a lot of attention Now you like to be cuddled and give kisses in return That is also you In year two Mijne came, your new best friend And you accepted him right away You love to run and play with him That is also you Last year a lot of happened Moving to the USA, leaving all behind what you knew But you adjusted just fine That is also you. We love you for all what you are and more. Happy Birthday kind soul❤️❤️❤️ Almost 8 months since Jessie came into this world. And it took a month by mail from Serbia to here, but Jessies original pedigree came in the mail yesterday. So happy 😁
We take Jessie to a lot of places because she is an emotional support dog. To make sure that people leave her be, she has on he harness the following text:' ignore me i am working'. Yesterday we went to the Home Depot, we have been there a couple of times before. She walks pretty good with me, also sits and lay down when expected. But she is glad when she can go outside. The photos are made when we just got outside again.
In order to make sure that she knows exactly what is expect from her, I am going to train her as a service dog with help of an online training. Every day the dogs have more then their play time in the Dog Pen. They run, play, do their business and sometimes, the cats (this is June) come play too❤️
I got inspired with Kingsday in The Netherlands on April 27th. But also by seeing the King and Queen on Rememberance Day on May 4th.
Because when you look at our three dogs and have to point out the King then that is definitely Mojo. A gracious dog, calm and wise (read:smart), handsome looking as well. And Jessie is of course the Queen being the only girl amongst them. And Mijne, big, handsome Mijne is the Kings and Queens fool. He is fun, not to serious. Always playing around, finding things to play with. We love them all three sooo much❤️❤️❤️ |
AuthorCan't stop writing & talking about my beautiful White Swiss Shepherds:-))) Archives
January 2025