It might have been a false alarm. Jessie still isn't bleeding. We keep a close watch on her and also on the boys.
The last couple of days Jessie ate less then normal. Also the boys like to smell her more. And yesterday she peed inside, like an accident pee. Although a little young it is possible that she is at the beginning of her first heat. Feeling a bit 'under the weather'. We have made een plan to make sure that she won't get pregnant, but we wait a little bit with that. We keep her close and when the boys are around we don't let her out of our sight. Later on we will keep them apart and walk them separate. A whole operation but necessary. Hope that Jessie will get her appetite soon.
I find it a really challenging to understand and figure out how and what I need to do in order to make all the testwork on the dogs official. So I DNA tested the dogs through Wisdom Panel for a lot of deseases (more then 300). But the most important once (Mdr+ and DM, all 3 clear) I also need to register (and authenticated) with the OFA. Tomorrow I will send in all the forms with testresults. Hopefully this goes smooth. Then the only thing to do is hip and elbow testing. Still not sure if OFA for the hip, or PenHip.
In the weekend there is no training for the dogs and we walk them together during lunch. Because of Tick season their walks through the wood is kept short. So yesterday, after havibg fun time in the Dog Pen we all went to the Pond. They love it especially drinking from it after a good rain fall like the that was the case the night before.
Our two youngest sister cats, June and Julie went outside for the first time in their lives and Jessie was there to ‘help’ them to cope. So Julie who was afraid at first rushed outside when she saw Jessie was also there.
They played together and Julie is now even more then her sister, at ease outside. Jessie is turned out to bw a great example and ahe is so sweet with the girls, really amazing 😻 With the help of Jessie I finished clearing the brick path running from the front porch to the driveway. When Mrs Carrington, the old Mrs Carrington that is, asked her hudband for a brick path he said no because money was tight those days. So Mrs. Carrington saved all the money she got from selling the eggs. This way she got her brick path after all. It was overgrown when we came here but now it looks really beautiful.
AuthorCan't stop writing & talking about my beautiful White Swiss Shepherds:-))) Archives
January 2025