Sweet and beautiful, that she is! But playtime cones and Jessie turns into a wild 'Dirty Harry-ette'🤣🤣🤣
Today Mijne and Jessie had a lot of fun at the pond. Mijne who just walks in the water and then starts to drink and Jessie just JUMPS in the water after Mijne. Great seeing them to have so much fun!
My sweet and beautiful Mijne, our Goofball and most physical boy, had me scared today. On our 23 acres there are a lot of wired fences that are left by the previous owners who put it there for cattle etc. Sometimes there is also barbed wire. Today Mijne jumped over wire that he wasn't supposed to and i called him. Instead of jumping over the same spot back to me, he tried to jump over a higher part of the fence and got 'hanging' on some wire. He yelped and I first thought it was barbed wire. But luckily it was only wire without the 'barbed' and there was no harm done.
So this morning I took the gang out to the pond here on our property. First they were all leashed but because of the narrow path to the pond, I decided to let Jessie of leash. But before I knew it she jumped right in the middle of the pond. So now she is all wet and yakkie😝. Not nice, especially because we have to go to Henderson NC this morning and Jessie still travels sitting on my lap😱
Mijne and Jessie became playing buddies within 1 day. It is really great te see how big goofy Mijne tries to be very careful with little Jessie. Also he is very social, not mind at all to share his food, bone, bear or whatever he is busy with. Mojo Is keeping more aside of those two and he has some more 'me-time' now. But once in a while he also like to interact with M&J. Tonight was such a moment.
Today we encountered 3 dear during Mojo's lunch walk. He is really keen on them so before I knew it he was gone. I yelled, whistled and yelled for almost an hour. M went also looking for Mojo. Then we decided one of us should take the car and go looking for him while the other one should stay home in case Mojo came home. And while we were preparing for M to take the car, I opened the kitchen door to let Jessie out because ai wanted to take her with me. And who came walking in? A very dirty Mojo, all tired of his running. We were of course happy to see him, although I didn't show him.
This was the second time that Mojo ran away so now I will only go walking with him on leash. Since 3 days we have a power outage because of a heavy ice storm. So we are now, besides still living out of our moving boxes, confined to the kitchen were we have candle light and our ipad to watch some Dutch TV. With our three fur babies. Mijne and Jessie are playing on 1 sqft while Mojo has found his spot next to me in a 19th century chair. It isn't ideal but all three dogs are coping pretty well. We are very proud on these guys😍😍😍
Jessie and Mijne are best playing buddies ever! They are only 11 months apart in age so they both like to play and challenge each other. Sometimes it gets a little rough, Mijne being such a big Goofball and petit Jessie.
We are working on the dog pen. First we were busy clearing the peace of property we decided to be a dog pen, then we had to make holes with a Auger, so that is what we started on yesterday. Together with Jessie I layed out all the posts while Martijn was carrying the post down the hill. Jessie kept close to us, so thats good. However today, when Martijn used the gas bushtrimmer, she was startled and scared. But it is a start and i am very satisfied it went so well.
AuthorCan't stop writing & talking about my beautiful White Swiss Shepherds:-))) Archives
January 2025