Saturday Evie & I came home. It was over 16 hours flight and drive, but Evie did fantastic. She is now adjusting to the pack, and the pack to her. Especially Jane is not all to sure about this new addition. But give it time and I know for sure they all will be fine. I do walk Evie with Jessie in the morning and around noon. But I also started to walk her with Jane. It's my experience that when doing an activity together, this will create a bond. And I hope this way Jane & Evie will bond and become BFF.
Evie & I are bonding. She is such a joy! She loves to play & walk. Potty training and her biting hands is still work in progress. Only two days left here in The Netherlands and we fly back home:)) I am so looking forward to the moment Martijn & the pack will meet Evie too.
I do think that especially Mijne & Jane love to have another playmate. Mojo probably thinks like 'mom, another one? Are you serious?' But he will be ok with it. And Jessie might think 'oh man, another one I have to keep 'in line' and 'mother' around. Sooooo tiresome' (LOL). Anyway, today we'll go have a walk on the beach. For Evie her first time!!! Just before I left Mojo & Jessie had their first date because progesterone measurement showed Jessie was ready.
However to be save we planned two more dates which had to be supervised by Martijn because I was already in The Netherlands. Martijn must love me a lot, because he did supervise two more dates which were also successful, even if breeding is definitely not his thing. So thank you Martijn and we keep our fingers crossed that this time Jessie and Mojo will have some puppies. Around third week of February we'll know for sure. It was a long road, a very long day for that matter, but today (or yesterday in The Netherlands) I finally closed Evie in my arms. She is beautiful, sweet, outgoing and smart. She is very confident and approaches the world with curiosity. What is there not to love.💕
Today (January 17) I'll fly to The Netherlands to pick up Jolie Evie van de Witte Klaver. Because of the time difference I'll arrive at Schiphol Airport early Thursday morning where my parents will pick me up and drive me to pick up Evie. At last I'll meet our fifth white shepherd in person. The long, long wait has finally come to an end. On Saturday 27 Evie & I are flying back home.
With Jessie in heat the gates are up and it’s ’girls versus boys’ again. These anre always difficult times here in Little Sunnyside, with hormones flying around.
Especially the boys make it loud and clear that they know exactly what is going on. So today Jessie and I will once again move to the B&B and hopefully we all get some peace & sleep. |
AuthorCan't stop writing & talking about my beautiful White Swiss Shepherds:-))) Archives
January 2025