Swimming lessons yesterday. Mojo really wants to (standing at the other side of the pond) but he fell in the pond when he was a little puppy so he’s not sure he likes the swim. So Jessie, after throwing in all the balls in the middle of the pond, for dome motivation, swam for the first time in her life. We are sooooo proud of her❤️❤️❤️ I am sure Jane will follow soon. Mijne is a big NO, getting his paws wet is the max for him🤣🤣🤣
Meet Mijne:-) He's the tallest of the bunch. And he is the most eager to find the balls I sometimes hide in the trees. Since a couple of weeks I don't only throw or hide the balls on the ground, but I also hide them in trees.
For Jessie, Jane and sometimes also Mojo that means that they have to jump high and with there nose they 'bump out the ball' and catch it in their mouth. However, Mijne is so tall that he stands up both his hind legs and grabs the ball with his mouth out of the tree. In the picture he smells the ball, only he is 'barking up the wrong tree' LOL. Jane can only watch in adoration. We wish everyone a beautiful, happy, loving and healthy 2023! May all your dreams come true.
This year will be the year where we expect to have our first litter. Years of planning, making choices, patience and much much fun, are all coming together now. This year will also be the year for our puppy buyers that they open their homes for their new furever friend. It’s all so exciting!!! The Newyear has started absolutely great with the first ‘water play’ for the dogs this year LOL. In the Netherlands we have the tradition that on the first morning of the New Year people dive into water (ocean, lake, pond, outside swimming pool, etc)which often is very cold. We call that ‘de Nieuwjaars Duik’. And so this is what the dogs did this morning!!! You can see that in the short movie I attached. Enjoy!!! |
AuthorCan't stop writing & talking about my beautiful White Swiss Shepherds:-))) Archives
January 2025